5 facts about Nudes and the Law

Nana Nwachukwu
2 min readJan 19, 2022

My friend and I had a call yesterday morning on how to author a manual. As we were talking she said, “I want to be an action lady this year. A doer. I need to tick things off my to-do list”. I agreed with her completely. I have to be an action lady, say something and stick to doing it. Yes, I needed to tick one item off my to-do list; I proposed weekly boobs videos to my partner and I needed to send it out. Don’t ask me why but it could be in the way he describes my glorious breasts.

Shortly after that conversation, I called a young lady who had sent me an SOS at night. In the course of our conversation, she mentioned that her boyfriend had threatened to leak her nudes if she leaves the relationship. I went through different emotions. I was upset, irritated, and amused all at the same time.

Photo by Dainis Graveris on Unsplash

So here are some things you need to know about nudes and the law;

Fact #1: People capitalize on your perceived shame when they make threats to leak your nudes. Be shameless. When next someone you have shared a private moment with harasses you with threats, evaluate and get ahead of the matter. Have a plan, the same way media houses have stories and a plan ahead of the death of a celebrity. Plan for the death of your shame and ride the tide with your head held high and you back as straight as an arrow.

Fact #2: Blackmail is illegal in every country across the world. When someone threatens to leak your nudes in a call, encourage the conversation to a text-based platform (chat, SMS, email etc.) to get evidence. Electronic evidence is admissible in more than 40 countries including Nigeria, Ghana, the UK, the USA, and all EU countries. #jailbird

Fact #3: Leaked nudes constitute cybercrime in Nigeria. This is another opportunity to make this person a jailbird and not just a jailbird but also ensure that if this person is employed, his employers see that they have employed a person who lacks confidentiality. That’s bad for business.

Fact #4: If you have to send nudes to multiple people, have a mark to personalize the nudes. That way when it leaks, you know the source and…jailbird!

Fact #5: Lastly, send premium nudes if your nudes are leaving your device with your consent. Take flattering photos so that when it leaks, you do have a little side business.

